
How to activate nuts and seeds?

The idea of ​​activating nuts is to reduce the presence of anti-nutrients that interfere with the absorption process when they are ingested. These anti-nutrients are defense mechanisms that seeds have naturally developed to defend themselves against predators and insects in...

What is cocoa butter?

What is cocoa butter? Cocoa butter is the fat present in cocoa beans . Approximately 50% of the content of cocoa beans is butter which is extracted during the production of cocoa powder. Cocoa butter is the essential ingredient for...

The benefits of dehydrated fruits

Lately there are more and more supermarkets where you find a large shelf full of dehydrated fruit full of color and attractiveness. A very healthy option in full swing. But do we really know the benefits they bring us? Let's...

Rooibos, much more than an infusion

Rooibos is a bush of African origin, better known as red bush due to its predominant color, sweet flavor, fruity aroma and great pleasure for the palate, being an alternative to tea, in fact it is often referred to as...

Dehydrated mushrooms, just as good as fresh ones

Fresh consumption of natural mushrooms is done in autumn, but dehydrated they can be consumed out of season. Will there be any change in properties and flavor if consumed fresh or dehydrated? Let's see! Properties of fresh mushrooms -It has...

Maldon salt, purely artisanal

Maldon salt is a salt recognized by the greatest chefs on the planet , due to its tradition in the culinary arts. It has been used since the year 1086, the date from which there is a record of its...