
The benefits of dehydrated fruits

Lately there are more and more supermarkets where you find a large shelf full of dehydrated fruit full of color and attractiveness. A very healthy option in full swing. But do we really know the benefits they bring us? Let's explore the benefits of this interesting way of eating fruit and in which cases they are most beneficial.

What are dehydrated fruits?

As their name indicates, they are fruits from which all the water has been extracted through drying processes. Drying food has its origins in the Neolithic clans who found in this process a great solution to preserve food for longer without losing many of its energetic and nutritional properties.

It's not that they contain 4 times more vitamins

Certainly, we can read about them that they are a concentrate of vitamins and minerals but the reality is that dried fruits, being smaller in size than their ''fresh'' equivalent, have the same properties only in a smaller volume which makes them small vitamin ''cocktails''.

What are the benefits?

First of all, all their properties are grouped in a small size which makes them an ideal complement for diets that require a large energy intake. They contain large amounts of proteins and unsaturated fats from the Omega3 group. Also highly recommended in the diet of people with gastric problems, gallstones or to regulate intestinal transit. Without forgetting that as an ingredient for sauces, desserts and fillings they offer an excellent result.

Recommended but in moderation

Like everything in the diet, it has its benefits if consumed in moderation, since its small size contains numerous advantages but also large amounts of sugars. They therefore have a high calorific value, which is why we recommend regular but moderate consumption.

If you are one of those who find it difficult to consume fruit daily, whether due to time or laziness, you will find dehydrated fruits the perfect snack.