
Rooibos, much more than an infusion

Rooibos is a bush of African origin, better known as red bush due to its predominant color, sweet flavor, fruity aroma and great pleasure for the palate, being an alternative to tea, in fact it is often referred to as rooibos as rooibos tea. The rooibos infusion is prepared from the leaves of the aspalathus linearis. It is precisely in its leaves where the best properties of rooibos are found and which you can take advantage of to benefit your health.

Rooibos properties

1. Contains no caffeine and few tannins The absence of caffeine is a very important quality of rooibos, since you can consume it at any time of the day, even before going to bed . Additionally, you can give it to children or pregnant women without fear of accelerating the nervous system. On the other hand, the low presence of tannins is a great benefit for pregnant women, since this substance, present in many teas , interferes with the absorption of iron by the fetus. 2. Contains flavonoids In its composition you can find both quercetin and luteolin, two flavonoids that act as antioxidants. 3. Contains magnesium and potassium The presence of magnesium helps muscle relaxation, potassium helps regulate the amount of cellular water, and it also contains little sodium. The combination of these 3 properties makes it characterized as a diuretic drink.

Benefits of rooibos

1. Rich in antioxidants Thanks to the presence of flavonoids, the 2 varieties of rooibos, red and green, are also known for their great antioxidant properties, although the green one is more recommended for this purpose. In this way, free radicals are eliminated from the body, preventing aging and the multiplication of harmful cells. 2. Natural relaxant Thanks to the presence of magnesium, drinking rooibos allows us to relax our muscles, so it is a recommended drink after a busy day or to fall asleep better before going to bed. 3. Digestive drink It can be drunk after meals to facilitate the digestion process as it relieves stomach bloating, heaviness and digestive problems such as gastritis. 4. Adjuvant in cardiovascular treatments and weight loss Due to its low level of sodium and high potassium, it helps prevent fluid retention, thereby reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, acting as a great adjuvant in cardiovascular and weight loss treatments. Now that you know the properties and benefits of rooibos, include it in your daily diet.