
What is agave syrup and how to use it?

Agave syrup is a natural sweetener that is extracted from a plant called maguey, which has a consistency very similar to honey. Like any sweetener, it has high caloric power, so its consumption should not be abused . Its characteristics...

What is Manitoba flour?

What is Manitoba flour? To obtain the best results in pastries, bakeries, pastries and other purposes, it is necessary to know about flours: their strength and uses. It seems like it is something more common than we think, but it...

What does the W in flour mean?

You have probably noticed that it is very common to find a letter W on flour packaging. Until now you may not have found any meaning and you buy more for the brand of flour than for the usefulness it...

How to activate nuts and seeds?

The idea of ​​activating nuts is to reduce the presence of anti-nutrients that interfere with the absorption process when they are ingested. These anti-nutrients are defense mechanisms that seeds have naturally developed to defend themselves against predators and insects in...