
Cinnamon stick, the spice with the greatest versatility of uses

Cinnamon stick comes from the cinnamon tree, also known as cinnamon or by its scientific name 'Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Cinnamomum verum''. It is originally from the east specifically from Sri Lanka, however, is present in different countries, especially those They are found in southern Asia and India. Cinnamon stick is a product of ancient traditions and its evolution has gone from being a medicinal product of a natural nature with fragrances recognized in the world of perfumes or simply as an ingredient of extraordinary qualities in the gastronomic world. Cinnamon stick is a valuable product , Its price is above the other spices on the market and it is because Its versatility allows it to be present in everyone's daily lives. Look at all the uses that can be given to cinnamon.

Most common uses of cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon in gastronomy

The Cinnamon in gastronomy is a spice widely used in the cuisine of the whole world especially the Hindu. Its aromas awaken the appetite and Its combinations in both salty foods and desserts, make rave many palates. Cinnamon sticks in gastronomy bring I get many benefits for the body, for example, it is widely used to help control blood sugar levels, so its presence in foods for diabetic people is very recommendable.


The Cinnamon stick is an ideal alternative to combine its flavor in coffee, teas and infusions, it also combines very well with bread and cold drinks traditional from the Andean countries such as chicha. Cinnamon is a unmatched spice for its versatility.


Cinnamon as a natural remedy

From Ancient times it has been believed that cinnamon has certain virtues healing, which are associated with its stimulating properties to the nervous, circulatory, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. In ancient times, cinnamon sticks were used to induce sleep. of the children to be able to go out to work and fulfill the tasks in the field. The Cinnamon stick is used when there are lesions on the tongue caused When eating something very hot, you suck on a piece of cinnamon. acting as an analgesic that calms pain and heals the pupils gustatory. Cinnamon as a fragrance When When we talk about the fragrance we cannot fail to mention cinnamon in branch, since ancient times the first to use the fragrance of cinnamon It was Cleopatra who bathed her hair with cinnamon water. For this, carried out a preheating process that released the aroma of the cinnamon and when she placed it in her long hair, they said that it made the man delirious. Cease. Since then, the techniques have evolved and are no longer homemade, nowadays it is easy to buy creams and sweet fragrances with aromas of cinnamon that produce a body odor that pleases more than one Caesar over there.