
How to activate nuts and seeds?

The idea of ​​activating nuts is to reduce the presence of anti-nutrients that interfere with the absorption process when they are ingested. These anti-nutrients are defense mechanisms that seeds have naturally developed to defend themselves against predators and insects in the effort to survive and guarantee continuity of the species. Basically there are 2 types of defense mechanisms that nuts use: -A physical mechanism, in which the nuts are located that are covered by wooden shells or logs such as pistachios, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts. -A chemical mechanism in which anti-nutrients are found, enzyme inhibitors such as phytic acid that, without the presence of water, becomes an insoluble element, neutralizing the minerals that are present in the dried fruit. To activate the nuts you only need to soak them in water for a certain time depending on the nut. Let's see how to do it.     "For this process to work, the seeds or nuts must be raw, never toasted"     What is the right time to activate nuts? The appropriate soaking time ranges between 6 and 12 hours. During this period of time it is recommended to change the water at least two or three times. Once the process is complete, it is necessary to rinse and let it drain and then consume. This step is considered the key, because from there the germination process begins to be stimulated, generating biochemical reactions responsible for releasing the reserve of nutrients, favoring digestion for those who consume them and at the same time the assimilation of:
  • Folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, among other elements.
  • Vitamins of group B
  • Essential fatty acids
Time for activation of some nuts
  • Almonds and walnuts from 8 to 12 hours
  • Pumpkin, sesame and quinoa seeds 2 to 4 hours
  • Flaxseed from 5 to 7 hours
        Are we at risk by not activating nuts? Not at all. The activation process facilitates the absorption of the nutrients present in the dried fruit. In short, it is not harmful to the body, we are simply wasting an opportunity to properly feed our body. Inactive nuts promote the digestive process due to their large amount of fiber, highly beneficial for weight reduction diets and for those who suffer from constipation. Not all nuts are activated, so to keep this in mind, those nuts that have been subjected to roasting processes such as sesame, peanuts and toasted almonds are not activated. Or those nuts that have been subjected to heating processes to eliminate the shell that protects them, such as cashews.