
Recipe to make cream nougat with walnuts

Cream nougat is a variety of nougat that is very typical during the Christmas season. Its preparation is born under the same principles as Jijona nougat, only the incorporation of some ingredients that make the distinction changes. Among its main ingredients are ground almonds, walnuts, high quality cream and sugar, you can also apply a chocolate coating. Unlike other nougats, the combination of nuts counteracts the sweetness provided by the other ingredients, such as sugar and almonds, making it the favorite of those who are not very attracted to sweets. Now yes? Let's prepare the Cream nougat! Ingredients: Elaboration:
  1. For the syrup: put the sugar and water in a saucepan and heat until it boils. Reserve.
  2. Boil the cream for about 2 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.
  3. Pour the syrup into the ground almonds and stir well.
  4. Add the cream and mix until you obtain a homogeneous mass.
  5. Finally, add the chopped walnuts.
  6. Pour the nougat dough into a silicone or plum cake mold lined with baking paper.
  7. Cover the nougat well and put weight on top so that it is compact.
  8. Let the nougat cool in a cool, dry place for at least 24 hours or until it is compact enough.
Other nougat recipes to make at home: Guirlache nougat Creamy chocolate nougat and nuts Yolk nougat