
Recipe to prepare Guirlache nougat

Guirlache nougat is a sweet that has characterized Christmas since the Middle Ages. Although it has several creative fathers to its credit, we owe its expansion to the Arabs, although it was the French who introduced it in Spain, specifically in Aragon, where the majority of these nougats are produced. Its name comes from the French language, ''Girllage'' which refers to something toasted. The basic ingredients of guirlache nougat are almonds, honey and sugar Ingredients: Elaboration:
  1. Put the sugar and honey in a pan over low heat.
  2. When the sugar is melted, add the almonds.
  3. Stir constantly until the sugar turns brown and the almonds are toasted.
  4. Pour the mixture into a metal or heat-resistant container lined with lightly oiled baking paper. Spread the almonds well and let them cool.
Other nougat recipes to make at home: Cream nougat with walnuts Creamy chocolate nougat and nuts Yolk nougat