




Donuts are also known as donuts or sweet bread rolls. It is said that the first donuts were made in northern European countries specifically in the medieval era, their origin may be in the Dutch Christmas sweet oliebollen. The shape of the donuts is attributed to a sailor named Hanson Gregory, who would be responsible for placing that hole in the middle to facilitate better frying, thus preventing it from being a bit raw. In our country, its beginnings are recorded in 1962, marking its presence and evolving in the market, offering a wide variety of alternatives for these donuts. You've probably already tried donuts decorated with sprinkles, chocolate or arequipe. And the fillings are the most delicious, they can be filled with pastry cream, jams or custard. Definitely endless alternatives for those who love these donuts. There is no single donut recipe , nor the tastiest one, as these can vary from their preparation to their presentation. What does exist is the versatility of formulas to prepare them.  


Ingredients (18 donuts about 7 cm in diameter) Mass:
  • 200 ml of warm water
  • 30 ml warm semi-skimmed milk
  • 9 g dry yeast
  • 500 g eco strength flour
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 80 g sugar
  • 10 g salt
  • 1 egg
  • 75 g pomade butter
  • oil for frying
  • 200 g icing sugar
  • 50 ml of water or milk
Preparation (4 hours approx.): 1. Mix the water, milk and yeast. 2. In a large bowl, mix the flour, lemon zest, vanilla pulp, sugar and salt. 3. Add the egg, butter and the water, milk and yeast mixture. Knead until smooth and homogeneous. 4. Lightly spread the dough with oil and let it rest for an hour in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Or until it doubles in volume. 5. Once the dough has fermented, stretch it to a thickness of 1 cm. 6. Cut the donuts with a special donut cutter or with two round molds of different sizes. 7. Place the donuts on baking paper, well distanced from each other so that they do not stick together when they ferment. Cover the donuts with a cotton cloth. Let them ferment for approximately an hour.-Repeat the process with the leftover dough. If it shrinks when you stretch the dough again, let it rest for about 10 minutes. 8. Put oil in a pot and heat it to about 180ºC. 9. Fry the donuts in batches of 2 or 3. It is important that they do not touch each other. 10. Turn the donuts frequently and take them out when they are golden brown. 11. Let the excess oil drain and place the donuts on a rack so that they cool completely and do not become soft. 12. Once cold, prepare the glaze by mixing the sugar and water or milk. 13. Dip the donuts in the glaze and drain off the excess. 14. Place the donuts on a rack so that they finish draining the excess glaze and do not get soft. 15. Let the glaze dry completely. Enjoy!