6 u


Chocolate coulant is a delicious dessert of French origin , it was created by chef Michel Bras. Its name is derived directly from the linguistic characteristic of the verb ''couler'' which in translation means fluid, melted. It is known by various names depending on the region or country where it is prepared, for example in Argentina it is called chocolate volcano, in Italy it is known as soffiato. In the rest of the world it retains its original name and its recipes vary according to the areas.READ ALSO: ''A CHOCOLATE FOR EVERY RECIPE''
This dessert is ideal for chocolate lovers, its structure is made up of a sponge cake, which has melted chocolate inside. Its combination of flavors and coffee aroma makes this dessert ideal to eat in any season, without any distinction or preference, you just need to have the ingredients to start making it. Be sure to make it at home for snacks or as a dessert after meals, it is very simple to prepare and will only take 40 minutes plus the time it needs in the refrigerator to take consistency, approximately 2 hours. Now take note of the ingredients and the secrets of our preparation so that you can surprise the sweetest diners at home.CHOCOLATE COULANT RECIPE
Ingredients (6 units depending on the molds)
- 200 g chocolate chips 53% cocoa
- 200 g butter
- 100 g sugar
- 4 eggs
- 90 g loose flour
- a pinch of salt
- a pinch of cinnamon powder
- cocoa and butter to line the molds