
Differences between green tea and black tea

Tea consumption is highly recommended, each type of tea has different properties that make it special in some cases. For today we will be talking about the differences between green tea and black tea , two very common teas in the daily diet. Their differences lie in the treatment process after being harvested. Let's look at some of their most notable differences.

Main differences between green tea and black tea

1. Green tea contains less caffeine and more nutrients
One difference between these teas is the amount of caffeine they contain. Black tea has more caffeine than green tea . That is why black tea is recommended as a stimulant for certain occasions while green tea can be taken more lightly and is the most recommended for weight loss programs. Additionally, green tea contains important nutrients that black tea does not, such as iron and vitamin C.

2. Green tea is a rich source of catechins
Green tea is considered the richest source of catechins. The difference in catechins between green tea and black tea is high. For example, in 100 grams of green tea you can find 139 mg of catechin while in the same amount of black tea only 32 mg. Catechins are flavonoids that act as antioxidants. Its presence makes it possible to counteract the reproduction of cancer cells.

3. Green tea is recommended for some diseases
Green tea is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, since it has properties to reduce blood clots. Arthritis is another disease that can be counteracted, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties it presents. The superior presence of catechins in green tea is the nutrient that gives it this quality . Black tea is not indicated to counteract these diseases due to its low level of catechins.


4. Black tea contains more protein
One of the nutrients present in both types of tea is protein. However, black tea contains a little more than green tea. In 100 grams of tea, green tea infusion can contain 0.1 grams of protein while black tea infusion can contain 0.2 grams of the same.

5. Black tea contains more anthocyanins
It is a type of flavonoid that is present in greater quantities in black tea. Anthocyanins are useful in restoring the health of capillaries. For example, it protects vision, protects the heart and arteries, and improves the immune system . It also helps improve the appearance of the skin, making it the ideal tea for anti-aging.

It is best to combine these types of tea in your daily diet, to be able to take advantage of all its benefits.

At Casa Perris you can find all these varieties of tea