
Basil A plant with great benefits!

Basil ''Ocimum basilicum'', originally from India, is a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, it has aromatic characteristics and great culinary use since it is present as an ingredient in a large number of recipes. It can be consumed fresh in salads, as you can taste it in the Capressa salad. Also, it can be consumed in different pasta sauces such as Pesto sauce and is an essential ingredient for the aroma of Napole sauce, even for Pizza sauce.

Benefits of basil

There are numerous benefits of consuming basil, among which we can highlight:
  • It is used to combat depression, migraine and insomnia through infusions.
  • It is considered a digestive by nature, it also helps in the elimination of intestinal parasites, it is frequently used to counteract loss of appetite and nervous dyspepsia.
  • Its fresh consumption is capable of increasing defenses, activating the immune system and in turn the amount of antibodies.
  • Its aromatizing power is so strong that it can be used as a mosquito repellent, without affecting our respiratory tract and preserving the environment.


Properties of Basil

  • Basil is very rich in essential oils , it has the presence of Estragole, which is a natural organic compound, used in perfumes and as a food additive for flavor.
  • It has minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, as well as vitamins such as E and B, specifically thiamine.
  • It is used in digestive problems, appetizers and anti-vomiting through infusions.
  • It acts as a calming agent for the nervous system, controlling hypertension.
  • It is also used in the external areas of our body, through lotions and creams, both to control acne on the face and in hair tonic applications to strengthen the hair.

Recommendations when using basil in cooking

Basil has a large number of uses in gastronomy , it is common to find it in pastries, savory dishes, juices and juices. Basil leaves can be used fresh and dried. Fresh basil leaves add aroma and can also be used decoratively, highlighting the colors of the dish. While dried basil leaves are preferred to enhance flavors in sauces, stews and soups. Incorporate basil into your recipes at the end of each preparation, this way its flavor is not altered and you take advantage of its pleasant aroma.