
5 Foods rich in iron of plant origin

Foods with iron are necessary to stop anemia and are highly recommended for both children and adolescents and pregnant women. However, it is a mineral that should be consumed at all ages and by all people since it facilitates the transport of oxygen to the body's tissues and circulates blood properly. Knowing foods rich in iron that provide diversity in food is essential to not get bored with your diet and ensure iron daily. Therefore, we want you to know 5 foods that can help you create different recipes every day.

Foods with iron of plant origin that provide innovation in your dishes

sea ​​spaghetti

It is an algae with an elongated and narrow shape similar to noodles, it is very popular in much of Europe and is born in the deep and agitated waters of the Cantabrian Sea. Of all types of edible seaweed, sea spaghetti has the most iron . For this reason, it is a food that is recommended both for people who suffer from anemia and for women who lose a lot of blood as a result of hormonal disorders that affect menstruation.


Hemp seeds


Hemp seeds are considered a superfood due to the great properties it has . Among the minerals that stand out the most is iron, due to its generous quantity. Hemp seeds are considered an ideal food to counteract anemic pathologies. In addition, they serve as an alternative food to escape routines and create innovative dishes at home. Their flavor is very pleasant, it resembles the flavor of almonds and they are generally eaten raw.
As a curious fact, these are seeds that have sometimes been compared to marijuana seeds; however, hemp seeds do not contain cannabiols, which is the narcotic element of marijuana, ruling out the possibility of it being classified like a drug



Lentils are a food widely recognized for their large amount of iron, which when combined with vitamin C enhances its assimilation . When minerals such as iron come from legumes or vegetables, they are almost always assimilated through the digestive tract and sometimes their assimilation can be difficult. Try adding a few drops of vinegar to the lentils, or accompany the dish with lemon juice. It is also a good idea to prepare a dressing with orange juice, mustard and chopped watercress, this way you ensure the assimilation of the iron.



The chickpea is a legume that has progressively adapted to the Mediterranean climate; it is a plant that resists intense drought climates very well. They have great culinary use in Arab cuisine both in dry dishes and in soup and flour and are present in a wide variety of recognized dishes. When consuming chickpeas, it is recommended not to accompany them with wine or drink coffee or tea an hour before or after the chickpea dish since the tannins present in these foods prevent the absorption of iron provided by legumes in general.


Quinoa is a seed with high nutritional value and very rich in iron , it is widely consumed by people with celiac disease because it does not contain gluten. The most consumed form is through flour for making bread, it is also used in breakfasts as a substitute for oats and can sometimes be present in salads. Definitely a different way to consume iron!


Don't miss out on these 5 foods rich in iron in your dispensation so that you can get the energy out of you!