
5 Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice from India, known mainly for being the ingredient that gives the characteristic yellow color to curry and mustard. It is mainly used as a food coloring, either as turmeric (crude extract) or as curcumin (refined state). However, before being used as a food dye, it was also used as a textile dye and to give color to parts of our body. As a food coloring, it is used in various dishes to color rice and meat and in Japan it is served with tea. Its absorption in the body is not easy, but it increases when used with black pepper, which is why it is recommended to consume it in savory dishes. The benefits of its consumption are extensive and here we list the main ones. 1. It can prevent cancer One of its main ingredients, curcumin, is being widely investigated by the scientific community to study its effects against cancer, already having some conclusive work. It is accepted that it has antitumor functions, helps in the prevention of cervical cancer and improves pulmonary fibrosis. 2. Improves the condition of diabetics Its consumption is linked to the reduction of oxidative damage to the brain and reduces the damage that high levels of glucose in the blood can cause. Insulin secretion can also be improved by consuming curcumin, as well as reducing glucose production. 3. It has antioxidant properties Thanks to the presence of THC (tetrahydrocurcuminoid), consuming turmeric has antioxidant effects and can also relieve skin inflammation. For this reason, it is increasingly a compound with great interest in the cosmetic industry and it is very common to see it in sunscreens.

4. It can be used to combat arthritis The anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric are recognized, therefore, it is being used to relieve inflammation of the bone joints with very good results. 5. Relieves digestive disorders Because it stimulates secretions, it is highly recommended for people who suffer from constipation or have slow digestion. It also balances gastric PH by intervening in the production of gastric juices. It is highly recommended to avoid flatulence and intestinal colic. And the list of benefits continues but for now we will leave it here so you can learn how to use turmeric in your dishes. How to include turmeric in your daily diet? When cooking rice You can add it as a spice to rice to give it striking colors, it is ideal in paellas and rice with chicken.

In sauces and stews Another way to use it is to apply it as a condiment to stews. In addition, its spicy flavor gives sauces a more intense color. Applying curry You have probably already tried curry chicken or curry rice. In any case, when you apply curry powder you are already consuming turmeric, since it is this ingredient that gives it the intense color it has. As a coloring in smoothies, desserts and creams By applying a small amount to smoothies, desserts or creams you can add color with an almost unnoticed flavor, do not apply more than a teaspoon to dessert.

Include turmeric in your dishes and remember not to abuse it, the recommended daily dose according to the WHO is 0.1 mg/Kg.