
Spelled and vegetable soup

Spelled is a very ancient and highly energetic cereal dating back approximately 7000 years. Its origin is Iranian, from there it spread to the rest of the Middle East. Spelled is versatile in the culinary arts, it alone contains proteins of important biological value, in addition to being a cereal that contains an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. By combining the benefits of spelled with the benefits of celery sticks, carrots and cabbage leaves that enrich this soup, we manage to turn it into an ideal soup for winter. Spelled and vegetable soup is a fairly common dish for people with a vegetarian diet. Preparing this soup is not difficult; in fact, its ingredients are easy to find in any supermarket. Its preparation takes no more than 90 minutes without counting the previous steps of its preparation, which consists of soaking the spelled for at least 12 hours beforehand. Spices and seasonings are responsible for giving the ideal seasoning to this dish. It is generally presented in clay pots and if you want to give it a gourmet touch, garnish with coriander leaves when serving.


Ingredients (4 servings)
  • 200 g spelled grains
  • 1 leek
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cabbage leaves
  • 200 g tomato cut into cubes
  • Provencal herbs
  • ground black pepper
  • salt
  • oil
  • water
Preparation (90 minutes approx.): 1. The night before, wash the spelled grains well and let it soak for about 12 hours. Remove grains and floating skins. 2. Wash all the vegetables well and chop them very small. 3. Put a pot on the fire and heat a splash of olive oil. Sauté the leek, celery, carrots and cabbage for about 10 minutes. Add the tomato and season with salt, Provençal herbs, black pepper and sugar if the tomato is very acidic. 4. Leave for another 10 minutes and add the drained and very clean spelled. Stir everything well and cover with water. 5. Let it boil for about 50 minutes. Add more water whenever necessary. 6. Adjust the salt and serve hot. Enjoy!