
Caviar lentils are a very particular type of lentil, their main characteristic is their color, they are black on the outside and yellowish on the inside. For this reason, they are also known as black lentils and in some cases as Beluga lentils . You can see them hosting Dal Maklani, a typical Indian dish prepared to celebrate Diwali. Its nutritional contribution is also very special, since it is considered very rich in protein, even 25% more than traditional lentils . In addition, they are a rich source of vitamin B1 and B6 and minerals such as phosphorus, iron and potassium. And if you also add turmeric as we propose in this recipe, your dish will be enriched with a large number of health benefits. However, don't forget to add black pepper to take advantage of the benefits of turmeric. Lentil caviar does not need to be soaked very far in advance, so it is a very practical dish to make. After cooking you will see that they lose their color a little but they remain round and look very good, which is why they are used in salad dishes like the recipe we bring you today.RECIPE SAUTÉED LENTILS CAVIAR AND VEGETABLES
Ingredients (1-2 serving)
- 80 g lentils caviar
- 1 spring onion
- 1 carrot
- 1 small broccoli
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
- oil
- salt
- black pepper