Usos y propiedades de los Pétalos de Rosa

Uses and property of Rose Petals

If you have never used them or do not know the uses and property of Rose Petals. Keep reading to find out that roses are not just an aromatic and pretty flower. In the market you can find the dried petals of these flowers. Not only do they smell good and you can use them as an infusion or to give their spectacular aroma to dishes and desserts. Currently, rose petals are changing traditional food because they are part of the daily diet as they are present in infusions, salads, cakes, cookies, among other sweets , in addition to being present in sauces to accompany the cookies. snack.

Rose petals can be used in two basic ways: dried and natural.

Dried rose petals:

Its marketing is focused on presentations of an ecological, natural product with almost exclusive care that restricts the use of toxic agents that could alter its flavor. On the market they can be found in specialized stores, in the following forms: dried, loose, in buds, whole flowers and petals. But what are their aromatic benefits? Rose petal infusion has several benefits and properties associated with it. Here are some of them:
  1. Antioxidant properties.

  2. Calming and relaxing: The aroma of roses can have relaxing effects and help reduce stress and anxiety. Rose petal infusion can promote relaxation and help relieve insomnia.

  3. Anti-inflammatory properties.

  4. Improves skin health: Rose petal infusion has been traditionally used to improve the health and appearance of the skin. It can help hydrate, tone and soften the skin, as well as help treat conditions such as acne and skin irritations.

  5. Relief of menstrual discomfort. Its calming and antispasmodic properties can help relieve symptoms of menstrual pain.

The use of dried rose petals can also be present in tonics for oily skin, in the same way it can be applied in the form of a mask to whiten the face, combat the effects of sunburn. Its basic infusion form is also used to apply its bags to the eyes to eliminate dark circles. They are considered the raw material for the creation of bath salts with the purpose of taking advantage of their antioxidant effects. You will also find sachets to scent closets, drawers and rooms in general.

The use given to these dried rose petals is essentially linked to the cosmetics industry. In addition, they are also closely linked with home tricks for beauty treatment.

Natural rose petals:

The marketing of natural rose petals, unlike the previous one, is aimed at covering nutritional needs, consequently, their presence is increasingly stronger in infusions. Rose water is one of the most emblematic cold infusions, ideal for combating heat waves. Its refreshing power will help lower body temperature. It's easy to make, just place enough rose petals in a jar. Warm the water, add the water to the jar and cover. Take advantage of the steam that is generated to preserve its aromas. Then, add enough ice to cool completely and serve. Store the rose water in the refrigerator and repeat the procedure each time it is finished.

Natural rose petals are also quite coveted for wedding, Valentine's Day decoration. Likewise, they can be used as offerings in processions and as carpets to decorate the moment.

If the whole rose is used, it can also be used as a bouquet of roses, centerpieces and details to celebrate special days such as, for example, Mother's Day.

In gastronomy, natural rose petals can be found in broccoli cream, rose of Castilla ice cream, red snapper in hot chili sauce (or harissa) and roses, stuffed breasts with rose petal sauce, among many other recipes.

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