
Types of beans to bring to the table

Also known by countless names such as beans, mongetes, fabes or beans, they are one of the oldest known foods. They have been around since times dating back to 7,000 BC and have a large number of names depending on the country in which they are found. The excellent nutritional values ​​of beans strengthen men, making them an essential food in the daily diet. These are the 5 types of beans that cannot be missing in your pantry.

Types of beans to have at home

Ganxet bean Ganxet beans have a protected designation of origin from Catalonia that includes both raw and cooked canned beans. They have a very special shape that gives rise to their name, since one of their ends is crochet-shaped. They are very creamy on the palate and are chosen for their soft and delicate flavor. Tolosa Bean A highly appreciated bean in the Basque Country, it is grown in the surrounding areas and sold in local markets. It belongs to the species "Phaseolus Volubilis", its color is very dark purple, with the possibility of being confused with black. In 1999, it was awarded the Kalitatea distinction, which serves to identify and distinguish agri-food products produced in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, this being an indicator of quality that exceeds the general average. The typical dish prepared with the Tolosa bean has the same name and is traditional in the region.


Green Bean Also known as green beans or green beans. They are mainly grown in Asturias and Galicia, their production is very reduced due to the effort required to grow them, raising their price compared to the others. It is a type of bean considered gourmet. Its grain is flat and white, so the light green color is transferred after cooking due to the amount of sap it contains. Their skin is so thin that it cannot be seen when eating them, this way their flavor is not altered when it is prepared. And if you want to know how to combine it, there is nothing better than eating it with fish or seafood. Pint Bean The Alubia Pinta or pinto beans as they are known, is considered a national dry legume that is grown mainly in León. It is called Pinta Bean because of its pinkish color and maroon spots on its grains. Its size is large when compared to other beans and it is rounded in shape. Generally, Pinta beans are prepared in soups accompanied with chorizo, providing an extraordinary flavor. It is a dish that is recommended in winter times for the nutritional contribution it provides to the consumer. Cinnamon Bean It is considered a type of bean with gourmet quality. It is the one most frequently used in a wide variety of dishes, due to its size, its flavor and its speed in preparation. Its skin is delicate and indiscernible to the taste, so it does not alter its delicate flavor. The broth it provides is quite creamy and is usually combined with rice. Its name refers to its cinnamon color. Among the traditional dishes prepared with cinnamon beans are minestrones with traditional grandmother's recipes. Beans are an ideal alternative for healthy eating that does not require large budgets.