
Types of almonds and their benefits

Almonds are the nut with the greatest gastronomic impact in many parts of the world; they are considered a touch of subtlety and elegance in sweet and savory recipes. In addition to being a nutritious fruit rich in healthy fats, characteristics that make it an ideal snack for afternoon tea. Its nutritional properties place it as the fruit with the most protein and fiber when it comes to nuts. According to data provided by the Complutense University of Madrid, almonds are the third most consumed nut in Spain and represent a consumption of 0.25 kg per person/year, a figure that has been increasing considerably at least in the last two years. There are several types of almonds that are ideal for eating raw, fried and toasted, in addition to being a decorative nut used mainly in baking. In our country the most common types of almonds are the following: Marcona see in store The Marcona almond is the classic round-shaped almond, with a hard and non-porous shell, sweet in its flavor and slightly bitter at the end of its tasting. It is the most well-known and popular variety in the world, and it is also the raw material for nougat and all varieties of Christmas sweets. Its main benefit is its low presence of oils. This makes it the favorite to use for the production of fried almonds, ideal for a salty snack. Largueta The Largueta almond maintains the same properties as the previous one except for its elongated shape, a characteristic from which it derives its name. This type of almonds is used for the snack industry and manufactured appetizers. Its best performance is obtained when it is baked, and it is also ideal for making bonbons and pralines, confectionery, among others. The main benefit of the Largueta almond is that when it is roasted it facilitates the storage of insulin in our body, necessary for the correct healing of wounds. In addition, it helps the functioning of the digestive system by metabolizing proteins. Commune repelled   The Comuna Repelada almond is the result of the combination of recognized varieties of almonds such as Marcona, Cristomorto, Ferragnes, among others. The result is an almond typical of the Spanish region with identical properties to the previous ones, but with greater resistance to weather conditions and pests. see in store Its great benefits focus on the generous amount of vitamin E it contains, slowing down the cellular aging process. Promotes hair growth and stops the process of degenerative diseases. Non Pareil The Non Pareil almond is the typical almond that attracts attention in magazine photos due to its outstanding elongated figure and exquisite appearance. It is a perfect creation almond for decoration. Visually they seem chosen in shape and size, but that is not the case. They really are surprisingly perfect, with a homogeneous consistency, with clear and thin skin. see in store Its main benefit is its antioxidant power, with just 50 grams of this variety per day you can cover the basic needs that the body needs daily. In general, almonds are nuts rich in healthy fats, they are considered a source of vegetable protein that is similar to meat. They are low in calories and ideal for losing weight and controlling anxiety. So be sure to consume them appropriately to maintain the vitality that your body needs.