
Reasons to eat a handful of pistachios a day

All nuts stand out for their properties, some more than others, but the pistachio is the one that provides the most energy and fiber compared to the others , it has a fairly respected amount of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, proteins and others. A 30g serving of pistachios may contain:
  • 160 calories
  • 3 g of fibers
  • 6 g of protein
  • 7 g of monounsaturated fats
  • 4 g of polyunsaturated fats
It also has the presence of antioxidants such as Vitamin A and C along with selenium. In the same way, it has a number of important minerals, which are responsible for preventing vascular alterations, such as iron, which helps us prevent anemia, magnesium, which helps us relax, control anxiety and nervousness, and potassium, which helps Correct contraction of muscles, especially the heart, and regulates blood pressure.

Learn how to make a delicious wheat semolina cake covered with pistachios

5 reasons to eat a handful of pistachios a day

1. Pistachio is the nut that most helps control cholesterol levels (LDL) and the health of blood vessels, preventing their inflammation. With only a daily serving of 42.5 g of pistachios, it is enough to control triglyceride values ​​and stabilize lipids in the body. 2. The consumption of pistachio directly prevents the cellular oxidation process, delaying aging by directly fighting free radicals in the body. 3 . One of the strengths of this nut is the presence of fiber, which delays the gastric emptying process, and at the same time promotes intestinal transit for better evacuation. 4 . The consumption of pistachio is linked to the reduction of blood glucose levels, at the same time it encourages insulin sensitivity, which means there is a lower risk of suffering from diabetes. 5. If you want an ally for cardiovascular health, that is pistachio. Curiosities Its first harvest can take between 7 and 10 years, hence its high cost compared to other nuts. The climate necessary for the development of the crop is temperate and dry, it is very resistant to summer. We can also highlight that evolution has allowed pistachio grafts, making them stronger against attacks by fungi, nematodes and insects. Now that you know more about pistachios, look for recipes that encourage their consumption in your daily diet or simply as a snack between meals. You may be interested in: Cashews, essential to maintain a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system