¿Qué es el arroz Basmati?

What is Basmati rice? And its differences with white rice

The cultivation of Basmati rice has been known for hundreds of years in the Himalayan mountains, it is most popular in Indian cuisine. It is rich in nutrients and is characterized by having a pleasant aroma . Its size is larger compared to conventional rice and when cooked it increases almost twice the size than when raw. There are several types of Basmati rice, the two best known are white and brown, which takes on a dark brown color, another variety is giant basmati rice.

Properties and benefits of Basmati rice

  • The B complex is almost entirely present.
  • It contains vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant.
  • It contains vitamin K, recommended to regulate blood clotting.
  • Contains minerals such as manganese to activate protein and carbohydrate metabolism. It also has iron and selenium and in smaller quantities calcium, potassium and copper.
  • It contains the 8 amino acids important for the body.
  • Contains no fat, sodium or gluten.
It is ideal for the diet of diabetic people, since its glycemic index is lower than that of other rice and it regulates blood sugar levels. It is also suitable for celiacs or people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.


What are the differences between Basmati rice and conventional white rice?

Basmati rice

  • It is fine, elongated and has a pleasant aroma, which makes it preferred by gourmets.
  • It provides a wide variety of nutrients, and is almost entirely present in the B complex.
  • Its area of ​​influence is in Asia and Africa.
  • It is usually a little more expensive.
  • It is not refined rice.
  • It has two distinctive varieties, white and brown Basmati rice, which is whole grain.
  • It accelerates metabolism and is capable of preventing some diseases.
  • It protects our body from attacks by different types of cancer, its fiber acting as a shield against infected cells.

Conventional white rice

  • Its area of ​​influence is in Latin America, the Middle East, the Antilles, South East Asia and Europe.
  • Its size is smaller, it has no characteristic aroma.
  • It is cheaper than Basmati rice.
  • Of the group that makes up the B complex, only vitamins B3, B5 and B9 are present.
  • When refined, it weakens the benefits of fiber and key nutrients.
  • It has a presence in the market full of variety: white, whole wheat, fortified, with enriched flavor, etc.

Basmati rice in the kitchen

How to make basmati rice loose?

Highly recommended as a garnish in any dish or to accompany all types of curries. Cooking tips : Wash the basmati rice until the water runs clear. Cook one measure of rice to one measure of water for 15 minutes with a covered pot. The fire has to be soft.



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