frutos secos caroa

Why are these nuts so expensive?

Nuts are a food with great tradition in Europe and the entire world. Its consumption dates back more than 12 thousand years when it was aimed exclusively at improving health thanks to its properties and benefits for the body. Their evolution has been positive, so much so that they are now mainly used in gastronomic recipes of great international relevance, for the enjoyment of the palate. Nuts make themselves felt in salads, appetizers and stews. They are also considered essential in select Persian and Arab cuisine. Pistachios, pine nuts and macadamia nuts are considered the 3 most expensive and in-demand nuts, and here we explain why.   1. Pistachios It is the fruit of the alfoncigo tree, it is believed to be of Asian origin and its cultivation spread throughout the Mediterranean. Its exploitation is late, so its value is directly related to the time of its crops, which can emerge almost a decade after its planting. Although then the estimated production time is 10 continuous years. Currently, pistachios are part of the most exclusive gastronomic recipes, both sweet and savory, among which the endive, pear and pistachio salad or the wheat semolina and pistachio cake that we made at Casa Perris a few weeks ago stand out. 2. Pine nuts Pine nuts are the fruit of the stone pine native to the Island of Crete, from where it spread throughout the Mediterranean. It is not easy to find them and when they are found their price is high due to the difficulty in obtaining them. One kilo of pine nuts represents the collection of more than thirty kilos of pineapples . The fruit is inside the pineapples, which is obtained through a complicated process that further inflates its price. However, its flavor and nutritional value in terms of vitamins, proteins, mineral salts and oils beneficial to the body make it worth paying its high price. 3. Macadamia nuts Macadamize nuts are a variety of edible nut produced in Australia. Its name is in honor of the chemist and naturopath ''John Macadam'' who discovered it. It is recognized in the market thanks to the excellent quality of its nutritional properties, being classified as the fruit of eternal youth. Among the benefits that stand out for its consumption are: its powerful presence of calcium, its strong presence of fibers and first-level fatty acids. It is currently the most expensive nut in the world and this is because it is a non-traditional, quite limited crop, considered ''Exotic''. So, its presence in different recipes is a true delicacy. The best way to make the most of the potential of all these nuts is to consume them raw, of course, without exceeding the allowed daily ration, that is, what you can fit in a fist.