
Baking seed mix

Seed bread is one of the tastiest and most special that can be made. The set of seeds used in its preparation can vary according to the taste of each consumer. Most of these breads are made with rye or spelled flour to add more flavor. Its exquisite combinations mean that we have fresh bread with a particular flavor that you will not get buying it where you usually do it.   The mix of seeds that we offer at Casa Perris is made up of sunflower seeds, flax seeds, poppy seeds, white and black sesame seeds. They provide a large amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in addition to their special flavor and aromas. When the bread dough is made, these seeds are added, allowing the dough to ferment and hydrate. We recommend that you try this mix of seeds in your bread preparations to obtain a different and high-quality product. Benefits of seed mix for baking - This set of seeds provides oily content in which essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 stand out. They improve blood circulation and avoid the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. - They have a large amount of fiber , which is important for the body when carrying out the intestinal cleansing process naturally, facilitating evacuations, discarding toxins, disappearing abdominal pain and consequently eliminating constipation. - This mix is ​​designed for diets aimed at losing weight, which is why the inclusion of all these seeds in the daily diet is essential to guarantee balance in the diet. - Poppy seed, for example, provides benefits when it comes to lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Likewise, it helps strengthen the immune system. - Sesame seeds are recognized because they protect the cardiovascular system, prevent osteoporosis and protect the digestive system.   Properties of the seed mix for baking In general, the characteristic properties that stand out are the following: Vegetable proteins They have proteins of extraordinary quality that, when mixed with other cereals, can obtain proteins with a valuable biological contribution. Fats Essential fatty acids are quite attractive in this mix since all these seeds are rich in omega 3 and 6, valuable substances that our body cannot manufacture. carbohydrates Its presence is decisive both for nutrition and for maintaining a healthy balance in the digestive system, but its excess can be very harmful. The fiber contribution provided by the seed mix helps the formation of boluses, improving the intestinal transit of carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals This mix contains almost all the vitamins necessary for feeding and caring for our body, it has vitamin A, all of the B complex, C, E, among others. In relation to the minerals present we can mention the following: iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. The manufacture of this mix is ​​not intended to be consumed by people with gluten intolerance. Although some of its seeds are devoid of it, there are others that could contain traces, due to the way they are stored. All the seeds available at Casa Perris here