
Cassava, gluten-free starch

Yucca is a plant from the tropical climate of the Liliaceae family. Its edible part is found underground and is called a tuber. It is native to South America and Brazil is the country that made it known to the rest of the world thanks to the spread that the Spanish and Portuguese gave it, conquering African and Asian soils. Cassava is the basis of the diet of more than 800 million people in the world, especially in developing countries. It is also known in other parts of the world as cassava, tapioca or casava. Cassava is rich in carbohydrates and very low in proteins and fats; it is often preferred instead of rice or pasta when following a weight loss regimen. The consumption of cassava minimizes cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. How to use cassava starch in cooking? Starch is the flour that is extracted from vegetables, roots and tubers through the process of grinding or grating. In the case of cassava, it is allowed to rest and excess water is eliminated, leaving a type of sediment that we call starch when it dries. This is used in cooking as a thickening agent, it is used to make porridge for children's food, and it is also used to thicken stews and sauces. Starch does not have gluten, making it a food of nutritional importance in the celiac community, it has a pleasant flavor and is easily digestible. What must be taken into account when making the preparations is that this starch does not dissolve in cold water, so it is recommended to heat the water a little without bringing it to a boil and dissolve the starch so that lumps do not form. How can we use cassava starch in cooking? Cassava starch is used in cooking to make breads, cakes, muffins and pastries. The results are surprising since the consistency of the product is spongy, similar to that produced by wheat flour. A typical food, a product of the cassava starch process, is cassava, a type of very nutritious flatbread. It can be used as a thickener and to make the famous Brazilian cheese bread. Mixed with other gluten-free flours we can make breads suitable for celiacs. Another way to use cassava starch in cooking is through a fermentation process, giving rise to a slightly alcoholic drink that takes the name Cauim, a typical drink of the indigenous people of the Amazon to brighten rituals.


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