Harina de algarroba

Carob Flour With energetic properties!

The carob, belongs to the legume family, is the fruit of the carob tree native to Asia, however its current largest producer is Spain with an average of 40,000 tons per year for 2014 according to UN data . Recently, its culinary uses have begun to be exploited thanks to the benefits conferred by its health properties.


Properties and benefits of carob flour

Conservation of its nutritional power in extreme situations Despite subjecting the carob pod to extreme heat temperatures such as those that can occur during a fire, it continues to retain all its nutritional properties. Of variable nutritional composition It has a high natural sugar content, around 50% of its composition, but it also contains proteins between 5 and 10%, minerals of great importance such as calcium, iron and phosphorus, and presence of vitamins such as A, B1, B2 and D. Highly energetic Due to its high sugar level, it is considered very energetic and rich in carbohydrates. This characteristic must be known how to use in favor of health. It is a highly recommended flour for athletes and people who require a high level of physical and/or mental energy. On the other hand, it can be used as a chocolate substitute without the need to add additional sugar to desserts.


  Contains tannins Tannins are polymers of a flavonoid, a substance that can cause constriction in blood vessels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. Rich in mucilage Mucilage is a thick water solution. Among the benefits that mucilage confers are its favorable action against colds or any inflammation of the mucosa. It also helps with digestive problems such as diarrhea. Does not contain gluten Gluten is a group of proteins that can cause certain rejection in some people who are called celiac. This quality of carob flour allows it to be an alternative to other flours such as wheat, oats or barley that cannot be consumed by this community. It is rich in fiber It mainly contains lignin and pectin. Lignin delays the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, and pectin could reverse the reproduction of certain tumor cells.

Uses of carob flour

Carob flour can be used for:
  • Be combined with water or milk and prepare energy shakes.
  • As a substitute for cocoa and chocolate, in some cases it is preferred to add some fat to compensate for what is missing and have a consistency more similar to chocolate.
  • It is used as a base to make bread, cakes and other foods, giving them a natural sweetness.
Incorporate carob flour into your daily diet and benefit from its properties!

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