
Spicy spices and seasonings

Spicy spices and condiments are used in different parts of the world to enhance the flavor of dishes, to such an extent that the cuisine in many countries, such as Mexico, is characterized by its spicy flavor. Spices and condiments are irreplaceable in traditional recipes and their absence in the dish completely changes its flavor. Today in this post we will talk about the origin of the most important spicy spices that should not be missing at home, as well as their properties and how to consume them. The mustard The origin of mustard is linked to the Romans, who were the first to mix unfermented grape juice with mustard seeds. The product of this mixture is what we know today as mustard. Mustard is a natural and healthy spice that is low in calories and fat-free. Its seeds are high in protein and provide benefits to the digestive system. In addition, it is a natural vasodilator, making it ideal for consumption in winter. Mustard is used as an accompaniment to game meats and also as a dressing for salads. In England, Germany and the United States, mustard is used quite frequently. Ginger Ginger is native to Southeast Asia, specifically India and China. It is an underground stem appreciated for its aroma and particular flavor; in Chinese and Japanese cuisine it cannot be missing to enhance the flavor of meals. It is used to opaque strong odors present in seafood and lamb meat. Ginger is grown in all parts of the world, mainly in countries with a tropical climate; in America it is used in small quantities, especially for the preparation of sweets. Regarding the properties of ginger, we can highlight that it contains amino acids, fibers, minerals such as aluminum, boron, phosphorus, silicon and flavonoids. Its benefits are numerous, for example, it is a restorative for the digestive system. Thanks to its antibacterial power, it is ideal for use when you have digestive ulcers and gastritis. In addition, it regulates the intestinal flora, preserving its balance. It is a very effective natural remedy. Pepper Pepper is a spice native to the Malabar Coasts that is used regardless of its presentation, whether in grains or ground. According to the ripening times, there are various types of pepper such as black, green and white. In gastronomy it is present in the preparation of various savory dishes, being common in salads, stews and pasta sauces. Pepper has the presence of minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The B complex vitamins are present in their entirety, and vitamin A and C are also part of their nutritional repertoire. It also has essential oils such as piperine, which is mainly responsible for its characteristic flavor. Wasabi Wasabi is a condiment of Asian origin , which comes from the green Japanese radish, whose scientific name is ''Wasabia japonica'', a root that is grated and mixed with water producing a paste of the same color. Its flavor is extremely spicy. The sting of this root is due to the presence of a naturally present phytochemical compound called isothiocyanates. In addition, it does not cause stomach irritation like other spicy foods , such as chili. This is because its action is considered a powerful, explosive itch in our mouth, which produces tears and nasal discharge immediately, but its effect is rapid as if it evaporated. cayenne on bird's eye branch Bird's eye cayenne is of Central American origin, it has sometimes been compared to the variety of peppers or chili, with surprising spicy characteristics. In gastronomy it is used in typical foods from Central American regions such as enchilada sauce or tacos. A minimal amount is enough to achieve an explosive flavor on our palate . This spice is also used to digest difficult foods such as meats, especially game and seafood. Among its nutritional properties, its antioxidant power stands out thanks to the abundance of vitamin C it contains.