
Spices for better digestion

Spices are a seasoning of plant origin that provides fragrance, color, and flavor to foods . Most spices have their origin in the tropical areas of the Asian continent. Its spread was significantly due to the merchants who transported their goods along the routes, and little by little it spread as a nutritious alternative in different cuisines. There are many spices , with amounts of properties for any type of pathology, and there has been sustained growth in their implementation for natural or alternative medicine. However, today we have chosen the spices that can best help you have better digestion.

Spices that help you with digestion

Turmeric It helps reduce acid levels in the stomach, it has the ability to act as a tonic, motivating gastric secretions and consequently facilitating digestion . For people who have slow digestion and chronic gastritis it is highly recommended. Likewise, it helps to expel gases accumulated in the intestines.   Ginger Ginger is a very healthy species, its consumption is related to counteract intestinal conditions. Its function is to stimulate the pancreas to increase enzymatic activity, promoting digestion. Its antibacterial power is effective in attacking a wide variety of intestinal problems.   Cardamom It is directly related to ginger, and its medicinal uses date back to ancient times. Originally from India, where it is widely used. Its use is recommended after a banquet with heavy food when it comes to digesting, just chew some seeds and you will immediately be benefiting from its digestive action.   Cilantro Loss of appetite, indigestion, colic, the use of cilantro is essential. Its antispasmodic effects make it a favorite for children and adults. The most common use of cilantro dates back to ancient times, to combat pancreatic insufficiency, gastritis, flatulence and combat infectious diseases of the stomach. As a condiment it should not be missing in our kitchen, in addition to providing flavor, its effects are very broad.   Black pepper It is considered a natural stimulant on the digestive organs where the enzymatic activity of the pancreas is boosted through piperine. When consumed, hydrochloric acid is secreted to digest food and neutralize the proliferation of bacteria . Nowadays it has become a pleasant companion of salt, and this combination produces a dressing with a very special flavor. Spices in general have elevated the flavor of some foods that, without their presence, do not make them as attractive to the palate. They are also natural, and at the same time they have positive effects on our body, such as improving the digestive system.