
Gomasium, a good substitute for table salt

Gomasio is the healthiest and most nutritious condiment that exists , it is of Japanese origin where it is also known under the name Gomashio. It is made from sesame seeds and sea salt. Its use is directly linked as a flavoring and energizing agent in gastronomy. If you are looking for natural alternatives, Gomasio is one of them. Its excellent nutritional properties help improve the functioning of the entire family's body. Let's see its properties and benefits! Properties of Gomasium The properties that Gomasio provides to our body are extraordinary, for every 100 grams of Gomasio that we eat, it provides us with:
  • Proteins 5.32 gr
  • Fats 14.90 gr
  • Fibers 3.54 gr
  • Calcium 29.97 gr
  • Iron 4.4 gr
Benefits of Gomasio - From the point of view of protein value, Gomasium has some of the essential amino acids necessary for the first years of life. - The fats it has are of the polyunsaturated type, this type of fat keeps the arteries and cardiovascular health in general in good condition. - The presence of fiber makes it a great ally of intestinal health , its consumption is of great benefit to our body as it helps keep the digestive tract clean, facilitating evacuations and reducing the risk of suffering from constipation. - Sesame is one of the seeds with the highest amount of calcium , sometimes it is even considered to have more calcium than cow's milk itself. So, the consumption of Gomasio helps to strengthen bones from an early age and its consumption is also recommended in women with menopause to strengthen the bone system. - It acts as an alkalizer, regulating the pH in the body, a product of excess intake of meats, fats and acidifying foods. - From a medicinal point of view, it is widely used in Eastern culture, especially to control dizziness, headaches, toothaches and menstrual pain. Use of Gomasio in gastronomy Gomasio is very useful to enhance the flavors in food, providing a delicate touch of dried fruit. It is also used to provide textures in international dishes. The most common use of Gomasio is to dress salads, vegetables, stews, soups, purees, legumes, among others. Gomasium is an important ingredient for making the macrobiotic diet , also known as the long-life diet based on the balance of Ying and Yan. If you want to absorb all the nutrients that Gomasium provides, you can eat two teaspoons a day, make sure to chew well so that the nutrients are activated and can be assimilated by our body. This diet requires special nutritional preparation that progresses progressively.