
Pistachio curiosities

The pistachio is a small, dry fruit covered in a hard shell. It comes from the tree known since ancient times as the alfoncigo. Its first harvest is collected after 5 years of being cultivated and its optimal performance begins at 10 years. It is a classic appetizer and its use ranges from the preparation of delicious recipes to the raw material for cosmetic beauty treatments.


Let's learn some curiosities about the pistachio that you probably didn't know.

Pistachio is the oldest nut

The pistachio is considered the oldest nut and is certified in the sacred scriptures, specifically in the Bible. Pistachios were the first gifts that Jacob sent to Joseph in Egypt. In addition, it is also written that the name of the city of Betonim (east of the Jordan) is linked to the pistachio. It is a fruit related to happiness In various parts of the world the pistachio adopts different names, for example: in China it is known as the happy nut, in Iran as the smiling nut, both definitions have to do with the small opening in the shell that makes this nut visible. a little fun and happy. In other parts of the world it is also known as the green almond.

Pistachio is related to beauty

The consumption of pistachio prevents the appearance of diseases such as depression and stress. This is mainly due to the presence of magnesium according to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. It is concluded that this mineral helps in processes related to neuromuscular transmission and energy transfer. Promoting sleep conciliation and stimulation of the hormone that regulates sleep known as melatonin. Sleeping well is beauty. In addition, pistachios are considered one of the finest products in the world, which is why they are used to make beauty and cosmetic products.

Eating pistachio is health

Pistachio in our diet is considered a heart-healthy food. Its strong presence of healthy fats does not clog the arteries, thus avoiding the risk of suffering from heart attacks due to the formation of clots. It is high in fiber, making it ideal for regulating discharge frequency and helping cleanse the digestive tract. It has an extraordinary source of iron, capable of eliminating iron deficiency anemia. It is ideal for reducing sugars, which is why they are recommended for adults who suffer from diabetes. And if that were not enough, they are satiating, that is, they are capable of lengthening the time between meals. Special condition for those who love to be in shape or begin a controlled routine in food intake.