
How to distinguish if the bread is really whole wheat?

Bread is a traditional food in the world, difficult to avoid, it accompanies pasta, we spread our favorite creams with it, it is our main dish for breakfast and we love it for snacks. For those who like to take care of their figure and health, they know that white bread can leave more undesirable marks on our body than whole wheat bread. Therefore, learning to recognize it is essential so that we continue enjoying bread in a healthier way. Typical characteristics of whole wheat bread   The color of whole wheat bread is dark The color of whole wheat bread is darker than white bread, this is its main visible characteristic. This is because it is made with whole wheat flour, that is, unrefined flour, which is why it contains more bran than traditional flour. Whole wheat bread will be a little lighter than bread made with rye, which has become known as black bread. The crust of whole wheat bread is harder Another way to recognize it is by touch, when you touch the crust of whole wheat bread you will see that it is harder than that of white bread. The presence of bran makes the texture more rustic.


The taste and smell of whole wheat bread is more sour Regarding the flavor, a slight acidity may be felt that is not present in white bread. This allows it to be a bread that lasts longer. As for the smell, whole wheat bread gives off a pleasant aroma, which is why it is used in culinary recipes where you want to highlight the smell of the bread. Whole wheat bread is heterogeneous in appearance At first glance, white bread is completely homogeneous, however whole wheat bread is the opposite. Because whole wheat flour comes with bran, fiber, etc., without going through refinement, it is very common for this to be observed in the crust and crumb of the bread. Whole wheat bread and its labeling If you buy whole wheat bread in large stores, in its nutritional information you will see that it says that it is a bread made with 100% whole wheat flour , which should not appear in white bread (made with refined flour). Whole wheat bread has a greater amount of vitamin B (mainly vitamin B6) and thanks to the presence of bran it also has more minerals. This point is important because in Spain, unlike other countries, a product that contains refined flour and a small percentage of bran can already be sold as whole grain. You already have all the most typical sensory characteristics of whole wheat bread, it is time for you to activate your senses and learn to distinguish whole wheat bread like an expert.