
How to preserve flour?

Basic foods such as flour constitute an important place in our diet. Therefore, when we think about storing food at home, flour comes to mind, since it can last for a long time if stored well. But when the summer season approaches, the heat can make unwanted changes in the flour that it is better to anticipate. How do we prevent it? Below we explain it to you. Steps to preserve flour for longer There are many types of flours on the market aimed at different uses, the most common are wheat flour, rice, corn, almond, whole wheat, oatmeal and many more, but if they are all similar in one thing, it is in their form for conservation.


- Try to store flour in cool places and in tightly closed containers . This will help the flour not lose its basic characteristics such as color, smell and texture. - Each of us knows how much flour we use in a given time. It is recommended to only buy flour that will be used for a period of no more than 6 months. This is done so that the oils do not suffer the oxidation process and consequently change the somewhat rancid or bitter flavor of our flours.


- When flour is stored in open and very large spaces, attacks by weevils and other beetles become more common. To prevent this, try to use aromatic herbs such as laurel that will help you counteract insect attacks. - If the temperature is very high according to forecasts, be careful, because flours tend to decompose more quickly. The most recommended place to store it, in this case, is the refrigerator. - If whole wheat flour is consumed in large quantities in your home, no matter what season it is in, always try to store it in the refrigerator. This type of flour, since it is not refined, brings with it a quantity of nutrients that are ideal for everyone in the home, even for the coquitos that seek to feed on it. Therefore, when buying it you should be aware of the manufacturing dates, if its date has expired or is long gone, they may already have eggs from their babies inside. - In cases where flour is a high turnover product or used as raw material for the manufacture of breads and other foods, you must adapt the storage location. This should be a clean, fresh place that is only for the flour, that is not in contact with vegetables, detergents and other penetrating odors . Remember that flour is like a sponge for odors and the products stored around it could alter the taste of the final product. - Finally and as a last piece of advice, avoid by all means storing packages of rice, grains and even open packages of flour near the stored flour. All of these foods attract flour-eating bugs and could contaminate stored flour.

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