
Bird's eye branch cayenne

Bird's eye branch cayenne

The bird's eye branch cayenne is a type of berry, with an intense yellow and green color, which when ripe becomes a red tone. Of Mexican origin (known by locals as chili) and Panamanian, it is considered a variety of pepper or chili, as it is also known, one of the hottest of its kind and with a slightly bitter taste . Its use in gastronomy is in very small proportions in relation to the dish, due to its intense spiciness. The spread of these berries has allowed them to be incorporated into high, medium and low cuisine recipes throughout South America, Central America, Europe and part of Asia, completely transforming the flavor and presentation of the dishes. The countries that consume the most bird's eye branch cayenne are Thailand, Indonesia and India.

How do you eat bird's eye branch cayenne?

There are different ways to eat it, and each country has its own recipes, but a single spicy flavor in all of them. In Central America, it is eaten in enchilada sauce, in tacos, in mole, among others. In Argentina it is used in the preparation of sauces, and the popular chimichurri. In India, as well as in Thailand and Indonesia, it is used very frequently in the preparation of curries and soups. And in our gastronomy it is often used in dishes such as cod, pil pil, soups, stews and in the preparation of crabs in sauce.

ground bird's eye branch cayenne

In haute cuisine, bird's eye branch cayenne is used to enhance the flavor of fish and seafood, used in very small quantities. It really makes a dish a true delight, exploiting to the maximum the almost hidden flavors of some of the fish varieties .

Therapeutic use of bird's eye branch cayenne

Consuming this spice in moderate quantities can be beneficial for our body, causing a lowering effect on cholesterol. In the same way, it stimulates the circulatory and respiratory system. In stomach problems such as flatulence or poor digestion, it is capable of improving it. However, it has its contraindications for people who suffer from stomach diseases such as ulcers of any type or people who suffer from heartburn. In these cases, unfortunately, it is best to stay away from its consumption since it could further irritate the walls of the stomach. .

Bird's eye cayenne on branch

  You can find bird's eye cayenne in large stores and specialized stores , generally in the spice area, in ground or branch presentations. The latter, on the branch, is considered of higher quality, since it takes advantage of all its natural potential without altering its flavor as it does not undergo any process. So now you know, prefer cayenne branches!