
Benefits and properties of macadamia nut

Macadamia Nut

Also called Australian walnuts, they are adried fruit and a variety of nut with a delicious flavor similar to that of coconut , it has a creamy and crunchy texture when bitten into it, it is spherical in shape about three centimeters in diameter and is creamy white in color. Due to their exquisite flavor, we can normally find them as parts of gourmet dishes in luxury restaurants.

Properties of macadamia nut

Cardiovascular health: These nuts are high in healthy fatty acids, which help treat bad cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Macadamia nuts are the nuts that have the most fat, with 75% of their content, fortunately most of them are good fatty acids, mainly of the Omega-3 type. According to some studies, these types of fats are those that help counteract bad cholesterol and triglycerides if consumed in moderation and in reasonable quantities. Obesity: it has been shown that Omega-3 type acids provide positive effects when added to a weight loss diet. Although we may think otherwise due to the high caloric index present in macadamia nuts, studies have confirmed that good fats from plants and nuts produce greater satiety and reduce appetite. Anti-inflammatory action: the fats in walnuts act in balance with Omega-6 and Omega-9 to regulate inflammation in the body. Externally, when we suffer from dermatitis, the oils act as protectors of the dermis, helping to repair damaged skin. The same thing happens internally, when, for example, we suffer from gastritis. Constipation : It noticeably helps the intestinal tract and reduces constipation. Sometimes when we establish a weight loss regimen, we completely eliminate oil and fats from our diet, and we may suffer from constipation problems, a very effective solution is to eat a serving of macadamia nuts regularly. The benefits of this variety of nut are palpable, but we must pay special attention to the caloric load it represents , below is the nutritional contribution per 100 grams of macadamia nuts:
  • Calories: 840 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates: 13 g.
  • Proteins: 10 g.
  • Total fat: 75 g.
  • Dietary fiber: 9 g.
  • Fatty acids: monounsaturated (60 g.), polyunsaturated (1 g.), saturated (12 g.).

Eat in moderation

Macadamia nuts also contain archidic acid, which raises bad cholesterol, therefore it should be less present in our diet. Likewise, it contains palmitoleic acid, this is monounsaturated (good), but in large quantities in our body it acts as a saturated fat that raises cholesterol. For these reasons, the consumption of these nuts must be controlled, in order to take advantage of all their wonderful benefits. It is recommended to eat them raw to take advantage of all the benefits they provide; they are normally consumed as a snack, alone, with salt or covered in chocolate. Many recipes incorporate it in breads, cookies and many other desserts.

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