
Benefits of eating dehydrated fruits

Dehydrated or dried fruits as they are also known, have ceased to be a set of fruits with abundant sugar and have become a nutritious ration for breakfasts and snacks. Its water elimination process concentrates its properties, making it a high-calorie snack. Drying techniques have evolved, starting from the most rudimentary to the most innovative and industrialized. The goal is to take advantage of its benefits in our body in the healthiest way possible. Here we leave you the benefits of eating dehydrated fruits. Advantages and benefits of dehydrated fruits   They lengthen the space between meals Dehydrated fruits are ideal when you want to lose weight. Thanks to its satiating power, it makes our body last longer without eating. This is due to the large amount of fiber they contain, regulating our digestion and in turn facilitating the cleaning of the digestive tract. High nutritional properties In relation to nutritional properties, dried fruits are capable of providing our body with double the properties that they offer when fresh. Just by evaluating the apple we realize that for every 100g of fresh fruit we obtain 52 Kcal. While for the same amount of dehydrated fruit it provides us with 243 kcal. The same goes for vitamins, fiber and other micronutrients. It is the ideal athlete's food By evaluating the nutritional table offered by dried fruits, they automatically make it the favorite food for athletes. These are basically used by high-performance athletes where energy consumption is high and there is a need to replenish energy immediately. Furthermore, its easy and comfortable way of transporting them means that the athlete can carry it with them even during demanding events, without hindering their performance. Dehydrated fruits can be included in sweet and savory foods, among which we can highlight cakes, crepes, biscuits, cookies, muffins, roasts, salads, and other preparations. Don't forget, dried fruits are today's food, they are natural, they are easy to transport and their benefits are incalculable.