
4 Foods that help satisfy hunger

Foods that satisfy are very convenient to consider when dieting, so that their satiating power gives us that feeling of fullness for longer and allows us to reach our goal, eating less. There are a number of foods with these characteristics, among which we can mention those that are rich in fiber, proteins and even foods rich in water content also meet the satiety index. Let's see which are the most important

Most recommended foods to satisfy hunger

1 . Legumes If we can mention foods with satiating power, legumes are the main one in all their presentations and varieties from beans, chickpeas, peas and lentils due to their primary characteristic that they are rich in fiber, placing them in the highest place in terms of to the satiating power. This indicates that the consumption of legumes regulates food intake, restricting calorie consumption and, as a consequence, reducing body weight. 2. Oats Oatmeal for breakfast is one of the favorite foods, not only for its satiating power that makes you eat less, but also for the properties and benefits it provides. It is a cereal considered satiating due to the amount of carbohydrates, fiber and unsaturated fats it has, which makes the feeling of being full after breakfast last at least until mid-morning or sometimes until lunch. 3. Nuts Dried fruits are considered superfoods with interesting properties and benefits for the body and are also classified as a first-class satiating source. They are ideal for losing weight and are present in the nutritional pyramid, among the most notable for their satiating effect are: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and cashews. The recommended amount per day is approximately 30g or what could be similar to a handful of these. And the combinations with cereals such as oats make it acquire a complete protein value of high biological value. 4. Dark chocolate Dark chocolate is another food with satiating power that contains a large amount of calories. Just taking an ounce of dark chocolate combined with a little milk after a meal helps our body feel fuller for longer. This satiating power of dark chocolate is supported by research carried out by the University of Copenhagen, classifying it as an ideal food for this purpose. It is considered that its satiating effect is better assimilated when consumed early in the day. Although the foods presented in the previous list are those that stand out the most for their satiating and nutritional effect, we cannot rule out others that also fulfill this function, such as mushrooms, eggs, fruits, vegetables, meats, among others. others more.