Kukicha green tea: properties, when to take it and how to prepare it

Kukicha green tea is a variety of Japanese green tea also known as winter tea. It is made from a mixture of Bancha tea twigs that also includes the stems and petioles. It is becoming more and more popular for its alkalizing power , a property that helps keep the immune system strong and better fight flu, viruses, bacteria and even prevent cancer.

Properties of kukicha green tea

In addition to the alkalizing power, this tea has many other properties, such as:
  • Kukicha green tea has all the antioxidant properties of traditional green teas, but with one main difference. Low theine content
  • Kukicha green tea is a rich source of calcium, a cup of tea has more calcium than a glass of milk. That is why it is recommended to take it in stages of development and also to prevent osteoporosis.
  • It is rich in vitamin C and E, both vitamins give it its antioxidant power . And since it is rich in flavonoids, its consistent consumption helps stop premature aging.
  • Another property associated with this type of tea is that it helps reduce blood sugar and eliminates toxins by protecting the walls of blood vessels.

When to drink kukicha green tea?

Kukicha tea has an energizing effect, so it is highly recommended to drink it during the day to take advantage of the revitalization you feel. However, it is not contraindicated to take it at night, since since it does not have theine, there is no physical or neuronal stimulation that makes it impossible to sleep or rest well. YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN "5 BENEFITS OF BLACK TEA"

How to prepare kukicha green tea?

It is important to know how to prepare kukicha, because if it is cooked more than recommended, at a higher temperature or with a higher concentration, there is a risk of having a bitter tea, as is the case with most green teas. The recommendation is that kukicha tea be infused in water at a temperature no higher than 80°C, that is, it should never boil . The kukicha should also not rest for more than a minute and 4 tablespoons of the tea per one liter of water are recommended. Following these recommendations helps you get a green tea with a nutty and slightly sweet flavor, the appropriate color is a very light greenish yellow. To take advantage of all the positive effects of kukicha tea, it is recommended to drink it alone, never with milk . Milk protein counteracts the effect of lipid perioxidation, limiting its anti-aging power. This tea known as winter tea is special to drink hot, however, you can also drink it cold in summer. By adding lemon and ginger you really get a very refreshing drink. Do you dare to try kukicha green tea? SEE ALL CASA PERRIS TEA

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