
Pink Salt A contribution to your health!

Common salt , the one we normally consume, is a refined salt through a process that uses certain chemicals in order to make it whiter, since this attracts the consumer more; however, during this process a series of rich trace elements are eliminated. for health and in its place there are traces of chemical and 99% sodium chloride. However, there are alternatives to consuming this type of salt , one of them ispink salt . Pink salt is a type of mineral salt that comes in the form of crystals, with a thick texture and pink color, coming mainly from the Himalayas, for this reason it is also known as Himalayan salt, loaded with a high percentage of trace elements that provide greater health benefits. Follow us so you know the properties and benefits of pink salt.

Properties of pink salt

Preserves food for longer Like any other type of salt, it helps preserve foods such as meat or fish. However, pink salt is preferred for salting by Jews in their meat preservation rituals, due not only to its purity, but also because it produces a partial dehydration of the meat, reinforcing the flavor and inhibiting bacteria for longer. time, thus allowing an adequate bleeding process of the animal. Stimulates appetite Salt is normally used as a seasoning to enhance the flavor of foods, stimulating appetite. So a touch of salt is enough so that this quality does not become a serious disadvantage. Chelating properties Pink salt acts as a chelator, that is, its nutrients attract heavy minerals that accumulate in the body and are harmful such as lead, for example, and then eliminate them, having a natural detoxifying effect.

Benefits of pink salt

The benefits of pink salt can be taken advantage of as long as it is preserved in its natural form, that is, without chemical treatment. Among its greatest benefits are: Provides more than 80 minerals to our body It is a salt very rich in minerals, it mainly contains sodium chloride, then magnesium and to a lesser extent calcium, potassium, iodine, iron, manganese, fluorine, zinc, chromium, copper, cobalt, among many others. Its nutrients are easily assimilated This is due to the size of the minerals present, since they are very small, facilitating their assimilation. Furthermore, this quality allows it to intervene in the optimization of the assimilation of other nutrients. Stimulates the immune system Adequate consumption of pink salt stimulates the immune system, preventing skin diseases, circulatory problems, diabetes, intestinal putrefaction and arthritis and rheumatism problems. So do not hesitate to replace refined salt with pink salt at home, it is a decision that contributes to your health!