
Imperial Quinoa, the best kept secret of the Andes

Quinoa or imperial quinoa is a seed with such good properties that it can be consumed as a cereal, so that for some it is considered a pseudocereal with unique characteristics that have even allowed it to be characterized as a superfood. It is considered a relatively new food in Europe, and has become popular thanks to the fact that in 2013 it was considered by the FAO as ''the food of the year'' with the intention of publicizing its benefits and properties.

What is Imperial Quinoa or red quinoa?

Imperial quinoa is a variety of traditional quinoa seeds, with surprising characteristics and high nutritional value, also known as red quinoa. Its scientific name is ''Chenopodium quinoa willdenow'' and it belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. There are numerous varieties of quinoa, the most traditional are imperial quinoa and white quinoa. Imperial quinoa has some differences from white quinoa, for example its color. While imperial quinoa is pearly reddish, traditional quinoa is white. Another differential characteristic is the flavor, much more intense in imperial quinoa . Furthermore, compared to white quinoa, it has a low calorie level, is very rich in protein and therefore very nutritious. On the other hand, imperial quinoa has less fat, but much more carbohydrates than traditional quinoa, a very attractive characteristic for high-performance athletes.


Properties and benefits of imperial quinoa

  • It has more protein than any other cereal, even surpassing other very beneficial traditional cereals in this quality by up to more than 16%.
  • It has minerals such as calcium, iron and phosphorus, and the eight essential amino acids for the body are also present.
  • It is a food considered essential for athletes, due to its valuable amount of proteins, micronutrients and vitamins that make it ideal for strengthening muscles.
  • In addition, it has a combined fat composition between 4 and 9%, the presence of linoleic acid essential for the human diet is verified.
  • It contains a high content of dietary fiber, ideal for improving intestinal transit. With frequent consumption you can counteract constipation and control cholesterol.
  • Due to its variety of nutrients, it is considered a fundamental base food in the diet of vegetarians.
  • Also, it is a favorite seed for people with celiac disease, because it does not contain gluten.
  • It is an ideal food for the diet of people who suffer from diabetes, due to its low glycemic index.
  • And at the same time, if you are one of the people who wants to lose a few extra kilos while providing benefits to your health, quinoa has to become part of your daily diet.
A food that, due to all its properties, has been proposed by NASA as a base food for long-term space travel.