
What are nuts and what benefits do they have?

We call nuts those fruits that in their natural state contain less than 50% water. Each type of nuts has specific properties , but in general they are characterized by their high fatty acid content, so it is advisable to consume them in moderation. In addition to these fatty acids, nuts have different components beneficial to health. One of these components, present in almost all nuts, is vegetable proteins. The daily consumption of proteins is essential, which makes them a great ally if, for example, we follow a vegetarian diet. These two elements, fatty acids and vegetable proteins, together with the high content of potassium, calcium, iron and zinc that characterizes them, make them foods that provide us with a lot of energy. The ideal is to consume them a few hours before doing sports or any physical activity. They can also be the perfect snack to end the day, avoiding fatigue. We can find nuts that are a source of fiber, such aspeanuts , pistachios or almonds . If we have a stomach problem and need to add fiber to our diet, these nuts are the perfect choice for us. We can also add them to other dishes, such as a salad or a sweet, to transform them into a complete recipe. Another characteristic of these foods is that they contain antioxidants, which slow down the aging of cells and prevent the production of free radicals , which cause various diseases such as cancer. They promote the increase of our body's defenses since they contain folic acid. They also contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and their unsaturated fat content helps regulate cholesterol levels. To avoid adding too many calories to our diet, it is advisable to consume nuts in their natural state, that is, avoiding those that are processed or fried. It is also advisable to avoid those that have added salt, as you should not consume too much. Some of the healthiest nuts are almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts or walnuts . However, excessive consumption of roasted nuts must be controlled, since they are usually sold with added salt, which is not recommended. In general, nuts help us take care of our body, preventing heart and circulation problems . Its consumption, always in moderation, is recommended since it provides us with benefits and makes our diet more balanced.