
Properties of chia and how to take it

The Chia seed obtained a very important place in American civilizations, especially the Aztec one, being one of the three most consumed foods at that time. Its name, ''chía'' comes from the Mayan culture and its translation refers to ''strength''. Its use gradually weakened over time, until it regained importance with the appearance of nutritional conditions such as celiac disease, since this seed is gluten-free , thus expanding the range of food options for this community.

But, chia seeds have not only had a great impact among the celiac community, these seeds are increasingly popular in the daily diet of all homes , due to their great nutritional properties. It is considered a superfood with exceptional qualities for feeding athletes, providing strength and resistance, in addition to being very versatile in the kitchen.

Properties of chia seeds

- For every 10 g of chia seed (approximately 2 teaspoons of seed) the following is provided to our body:

  • Calories: 49 kcal
  • Omega 3: 1.7 gr
  • Calcium: 63 mg
  • Magnesium: 34 mg
  • Fats: 3 gr

- The proteins contained in this seed are double those contained in other seeds. Likewise, its minerals far exceed their counterparts when we talk about calcium and magnesium.

- It has 3 times more iron than spinach itself, so this seed is ideal for anemic people or people with nutrition problems.

- The amount of essential fatty acids, such as omega 3 and 6, are concentrated.

- It is rich in soluble fibers, therefore, it is capable of absorbing between 9 to 12 times its weight in water, bringing very valuable benefits to regulate blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and counteract constipation.

Recommendations for consuming chia seed

The first thing we must recognize about chia seeds is that they are very easy to digest. These seeds can be incorporated into a large number of dishes for nutritional enrichment. It can be consumed in raw dishes such as salads, cereals accompanied with milk in cooked foods such as rice, soups, stews and stews or as a complement to breads, cookies, vegetable burgers or sauces.


Chia is incorporated into athletes' diets to increase muscle mass after each workout. For this purpose, it is recommended to mix the seeds with yogurt or your preferred smoothie.

To improve their consumption and take advantage of all their benefits, we recommend that you hydrate them with water before consuming them . A tablespoon of seeds per cup of water for 10 or 15 minutes is enough. You can also grind them and sprinkle them on any food or drink.