
Honeys for all tastes

There is a great variety of honey , as many as there are plants that bees can pollinate. Those that have a greener hue come from coniferous plants, such as rosemary, the whitish ones, from the orange blossom , and the golden ones from legumes. The nutritional properties of each type of honey also vary depending on the pollen that the bees have used to produce it. All honeys have great nutritional value: they do not provide fat . Honey is a very energetic product, especially suitable for older people, children of growing age (from 18 months) and athletes. To preserve all its properties, it should always be stored in an airtight container with little direct light. With the cold it crystallizes but does not lose its properties . To return it to normal viscosity, put it in a water bath for a moment. In gastronomy they are indicated both in pastries and for preparing meats.