
The healthiest nuts

There are numerous recipes in which nuts are present, both in sweet and savory foods, they are the distinctive touch in the presentation and tasting of any preparation. Their contributions are very important when we relate it to the nutritional values ​​for our body, in general, they help fight free radicals, control cholesterol, and are capable of providing minerals, vitamins and other benefits. Although each one has its own very beneficial characteristics, today we want to highlight 4 of the healthiest: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios.

Nutritive contribution of the healthiest nuts

Walnuts Walnuts are considered by many to be a superfood. Despite their unique size, they contain the highest concentrations of omega 3, a healthy fat essential for the healthy functioning of our body. For example:
  • For the heart, consuming walnuts helps thin the blood, preventing atherosclerosis.
  • For diabetic patients, its low levels of carbohydrates help stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • For the brain, it helps maintain concentration levels in the learning process.
Almond It is an edible seed that has a healthy amount of fats, fibers, nutrients, and proteins. Among the benefits that almonds offer, we can highlight:
  • Its high antioxidant content is present in the brown area that covers the almond.
  • Presence of vitamin E
  • It has magnesium levels capable of combating diabetic pathologies, specifically type 2. And at the same time it helps control blood pressure.
  • Moderate consumption of almonds can reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Its high fiber and protein content generates a satiety effect in people, which helps when it comes to losing weight.
Hazelnuts Its concentration of healthy fats is located between 50 and 60% of its edible weight, it also has sucrose in 5% and 10% water. It is considered a very complete food for people who practice sports. Regarding the benefits we can mention:
  • Controls constipation thanks to its fiber content.
  • Prevents decalcification of the bone system, due to the contribution of calcium.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant.
  • It is rich in healthy fats for the body.
  • Its proteins are of plant origin.
Pistachios Small dried fruit, covered by a resistant shell and inside it it holds one of the oldest delicacies. Currently, its industrialization has led to it being presented as a snack, although it continues to retain exclusivity mainly due to its prices. Often, its form of consumption is presented as appetizers, that is, its grain is toasted and salted, very common to accompany drinks. It is also used as an ingredient in charcuterie and as a base for ice cream. The properties and benefits of pistachio are present as long as it is consumed naturally, since excess salt can be harmful to health. Among the most outstanding properties we can name:
  • In relation to nutrients, it is the nut richest in potassium, providing more calories and energy than other nuts.
  • They have the presence of riboflavins, lutein and zeaxanthin, substances that promote vision.
  • They strengthen teeth due to their phosphorus content.
There are many benefits that consuming nuts bring to the body, especially if they are raw. Don't exclude them from your diet!