
The benefits and properties of tofu

What is tofu?

Tofu is usually associated with vegan or vegetarian diets , in which it usually plays a main role, but in many cases it is unknown what this food really is. Tofu has its origin in Japan , it is a cheese of plant origin that is made by processing the milk obtained from soybeans. Soy is a food with a very interesting nutritional profile, which makes tofu a highly recommended food in any healthy diet, whether vegetarian or not.

Tofu properties

Tofu is a very digestive food, since water-soluble carbohydrates are eliminated during its preparation . It has a very low fat and calorie content , so it is also recommended for those who follow a diet with the aim of losing weight. It does not contain cholesterol and the fats they provide are, for the most part, unsaturated . It is also a rich source of linoleic acid, which helps eliminate cholesterol accumulated in the body. Tofu contains a large percentage of calcium, even higher than that of milk , and provides other minerals, such as sodium, phosphorus, iron or potassium. It is also rich in vitamins B and E.

Tofu and its health benefits

This contribution of essential nutrients, together with the quality proteins it contains, makes tofu an ideal food for those who want to eat healthily. It helps reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels, thus preventing diseases such as angina, heart attacks or arteriosclerosis. Due to its high calcium content, it is recommended for osteoporosis and bone maintenance. Due to the large contribution of minerals, it is also beneficial to treat certain types of anemia and helps memory. It also prevents fluid retention and hypertension. The tofu we have at Casa Perris is organic and handcrafted.