
What you need to know about Sesame or Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are obtained from a plant native to India and Africa, today they are produced throughout Latin America and the world. This food has great versatility, since you can consume the seeds in different ways, use their oil for cooking and even easily make homemade butter. Regarding the nutritional properties provided by this small but powerful seed, we find that it is rich in proteins of plant origin, which are currently very well appreciated. It contains essential fats such as omega-3 and omega-6. They are called essential fatty acids because our body produces them, so we need to ingest them through our diet. They are extremely important because of the benefits they provide to the cardiovascular system, which helps prevent complications such as clogged arteries. It provides fiber, and a good amount of it favors intestinal transit. When we ingest fiber, it acts like a brush, dragging with it toxic elements that are deposited on the intestinal walls. Vitamins and minerals , provides group B vitamins that benefit the health of the skin, muscles and tissues, and provides vitamin E capable of counteracting the effect of free radicals. As for minerals, there are potassium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, but the great contribution of calcium stands out, being one of the richest sources of this mineral that we can find. The consumption of sesame seeds is essential in the diet of children and pregnant women since they provide double the calcium of milk. Best of all, they have a rich flavor that is quite faint, so children will not have a problem eating them or will not even notice them in their meals.

Benefits that sesame seeds bring to our health

With regular consumption of sesame seeds we can:
  • Protecting the cardiovascular system , thanks to its good fatty acids, improves the condition of the arteries, causing lower risks of suffering from high blood pressure and myocardial infarction.
  • Prevent osteoporosis , due to the significant amount of calcium they provide us.
  • Improves oral health , leaving sesame oil in the mouth for a few minutes helps prevent cavities, gingivitis, dental plaque formation and bad breath.
  • Protect the digestive system , due to the action of its fiber in the intestinal tract, irritations such as gastritis and heartburn are prevented.
  • Improve mood , thanks to its serotonin precursor amino acids, reduces stress, anxiety, lack of energy and sleep, and depression.
When it comes to ingesting them we have many options, we must keep in mind that some seeds are sold still in their shells, so we must open them first, otherwise our body will expel them in the same way we ingested them without taking advantage of their multiple benefits. To avoid this, the ideal would be to purchase seeds without shells. If we want to accentuate their flavor we can lightly brown them in a frying pan without oil until they take on a soft golden color. They can be added to stews, salads, cereals, yogurt, and even make a butter, with a processor and some patience, it is worth it. , as you will get a truly great product.