

Nutmeg is one of the oldest spices , used at first in traditional medicine of yesteryear and later in gastronomy. Offering in the latter excellent surprising results in combinations of a culinary nature. Its records date back to the Middle Ages in monasteries where nutmeg was included as an ingredient to be used in the decoration of some monks' pea pudding.

The origin of nutmeg

It is native to the Moluccan Islands in Indonesia, its fruit comes from a tree with a tropical climate called ''Myristica fragans'', it is a red berry that when ripe releases its seed, giving rise to nutmeg. Its sweet flavor and pleasant aroma provide a special touch to meals.

Those responsible for the spread of nutmeg were the Arabs, they are the ones who introduced this spice to the European markets, although it was the Portuguese and later the Dutch who appropriated the trade of this spice in Europe. The main producers of nutmeg are India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and their main import markets are: the European Community, the United States and Japan.

The uses of nutmeg

Two main types of uses have been recognized:


It is a typical condiment for both sweet and savory dishes, although it should be consumed in small quantities, since its flavor is so powerful that its excess can modify the flavor of the food. In savory dishes, the flavor of: soups, bechamel sauce, pastas, purees, vegetable creams, among others, stands out. In sweet dishes it is used in puddings, flans and other pastry recipes. But, keep in mind that nutmeg has its secret for the application, it is added when the dish is in the culminating phase of its preparation and sometimes it is added when the dish is finished, regardless of whether it is sweet or salty.

natural remedy

Nutmeg has been on the list of concoctions, teas, and natural infusions to reduce inflammation in the intestine, relieve muscle pain and especially joint pain for those who suffer from rheumatism. Promotes bone health by strengthening bones. Also applied directly to the skin, it acts as an exfoliant with a pleasant aroma. For the circulatory system it is ideal because it provides fluidity in the blood, avoiding clots that can cause thrombi.


Benefits of nutmeg

It is a spice with great nutritional benefits:

- It does not have cholesterol, so its consumption helps keep our body in healthy balance and especially our circulatory system and heart.

- Nutmeg lacks purines, and its consumption helps avoid attacks in patients suffering from gout.

- Consumption of nutmeg together with foods rich in fiber acts as a cleansing agent for the intestinal system, controlling inflammation of the colon and reducing the risk of obesity.