
Rye flour, ideal for making bread

Rye is a plant of the wheat family, although with different characteristics. Its grain is mainly used to make flour but also for the manufacture of some alcoholic beverages such as beer, vodka or brandy.

Rye flour is a type of flour with high dietary fiber ideal for improving intestinal transit. It is a type of flour recommended for the diabetic community since it delays the absorption of sugar in the body. However, it is not considered suitable for celiacs since it contains gluten, although in a smaller quantity than wheat flour.
You can enjoy two types of rye flour, white rye flour and wholemeal , which are worth having at home because they can be baked.


white rye flour

It is a sifted flour without the bran, however organic white rye flour preserves the germ thanks to the style of grinding that is done. Its color is light gray and it has a very fine texture, it is a completely bread-making flour.

With this flour you can make bread and to have a consistency similar to traditional bread you can make a mixture of white rye flour with baking flour in a proportion of 40% rye and 60% traditional flour. However, if you prefer to delight in the pure flavor of rye, you can also prepare bread made from pure rye flour, although a little less fluffy. If you want a fluffy rye bread, try making a sourdough, which gives a moist consistency to the bread.

whole rye flour

Whole rye flour contains more fiber and more nutrients than white rye flour. With this flour you can obtain a denser, more consistent crumb with a very intense flavor.
With whole rye flour you can make pure rye bread, very common in Northern European countries. It is a little darker than traditional bread.

These breads keep much longer than wheat bread. To prepare it, it is recommended to prepare what is called sourdough, a type of dough that rises more than sifted rye flour and with whole grain flour it is much better than with white rye flour.


Another way to make bread is by combining rye flour with organic baking flour. The proportion can be 50% each or you can vary it depending on whether you prefer a more rye bread or not. You can also make a lot of pastries like rye muffins.

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