
Bulgur: Break the boredom of your meals!

Bulgur is the main ingredient in very popular dishes in Middle Eastern countries. It is a food made from wheat flour that requires a long cooking and a very careful drying process, but once it is ready it is a pre-cooked food that can last for a long time. In this post we have listed the properties and benefits of its consumption and ways to use it in the kitchen.

Properties and benefits of bulgur

Rich in slow carbohydrates

Let's say that this is its main property, it has a glycemic index of 46, which is low taking into account the general classification of glycemic index (high greater than 70, moderate between 55 and 70 and low less than 55). For every 100 grams of bulgur there is a contribution of 69 grams of carbohydrate with only 0.8 grams of sugar.

Chickpeas recipe with bulgur, onion and cinnamon


Controlled sugar level

Due to the presence of slow carbohydrates, it is beneficial for the diabetic community , glucose molecules are released slowly once bulgur is ingested. In this way, blood sugar levels are maintained more stable and for longer than simple carbohydrates. Consequently, both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are avoided.

More time without hunger

As it is a slowly absorbed food, it is more beneficial for satiating, this way you do not feel hungry as often . This is quite important when you are overweight, since by not consuming as many calories to satisfy hunger you can comply with the recommended diet.

Provides energy and nutrients

The energy provided by 100gr. of unprepared bulgur is approximately 1500kj/360Kcal, considered calories with a nutritional contribution . Every 100 grams of bulgur produces 1.75 grams of fat, of which only 0.2 grams are saturated fats, so its consumption reduces the risk of high cholesterol. In addition, for that same amount of consumption, 8 grams of protein, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, phosphorus and magnesium are provided.

Chickpea, Vegetable and Bulgur Soup Recipe


How to consume bulgur?

It can be used as a substitute for rice, couscous, quinoa or oats. At Casa Perris you can find fine and coarse grain bulgur with different functions in the kitchen.

You can include it in your breakfasts due to its high energy content. Take advantage of the light nutty flavor it has and combine it in recipes that include walnuts or almonds.

The most popular recipes prepared with bulgur are of Eastern Mediterranean origin. For example, coarse grain bulgur can be prepared as an accompaniment to salads. One of the most popular salads prepared with bulgur is tabbouleh but you can come up with other delicious salad recipes (with pumpkin, basil and spinach it combines very well). But it is also very good combined with meat and spices as is commonly presented in kibbeh (Lebanon's national dish).

Recipe Bulgur Tabouleh Casa Perris