
Eat nuts and strengthen your cardiovascular system

Walnuts are a healthy nut highly claimed to strengthen the heart, according to a study carried out in Pennsylvania, United States and published in the 'Journal of Nutrition'. The research involved the voluntary participation of 42 people between 30 and 65 years old and all with a common characteristic, being overweight.   Replacing nuts with an equivalent food does not give the same result According to the research guidelines, it was proposed to make three diets and apply them randomly to the group of volunteers for a period of six weeks. The groups were classified as follows: First group: Incorporation of whole nuts into the diet. Second group: Include the same amount of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but without nuts. Third group: Partial replacement of oleic acid and incorporating ALA in the same proportion, but without nuts. After 6 weeks, the participants underwent a stool examination, from which it was known that the walnut diet was positive for the intestinal tract. The results were not equally positive for the other two diets. Walnut diet reduces risk of heart disease   According to this same study, the fact that the walnut diet enriches the set of intestinal bacteria helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Walnuts have long been associated with lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Therefore, this study confirms its medicinal properties for the heart. The presence of fatty acids such as omega 3 balance the relationship between good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL), directly benefiting type 2 diabetics. In addition, it prevents heart rhythm disorders and the formation of blood clots. in the arteries, reducing the risk factor for heart attack.     Walnuts could expand their range of benefits Similarly, in the fecal analyzes of the volunteers, the presence of a series of bacteria beneficial for intestinal health could be observed. The result of this research further drives the initiative to expand studies and find a cure for diseases related to the intestinal tract. It promises to focus on the effect that nuts have on blood sugar levels. To take advantage of the benefits of the walnut diet, the recommendation is to consume at least two or three walnuts a day. Try to buy them fresh and in their shell for the greatest benefit of their properties. Likewise, include them in your meals, especially in salads, and keep them in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.