
Benefits that rye brings us

Rye is a cereal from the wheat family, although it is a much more resistant crop than the latter. It can grow in very cold or rainy climates and tolerates acidic and sandy soils. This characteristic, of being a cereal highly resistant to the elements, is what has possibly marked it as a poor man's cereal. However, its nutritional benefits have made us decide to share it with you today.



Benefits of rye

1. High nutritional contribution Rye is a rich source of both complex carbohydrates and fiber mainly, even a little higher than that of wheat. It is also considered an important source of protein, contains B vitamins and important minerals such as zinc and selenium, which act as antioxidants. 2. Its consumption improves allergies Using rye as a base for other foods can reduce many allergies. It has a low gluten content although it is not advisable to consume it for celiacs, since its gluten contribution is still significant for this community. 3. Gives sensations of fullness It is a food rich in soluble fiber so it can give you a feeling of satiety in a short time. In addition, fiber provides important benefits to the digestive system since it cleans the intestinal extract. These characteristics have given it the title of diet bread, since it is truly ideal for weight loss programs. 4. Delays the absorption of sugar in the intestines Ideal to be consumed by the diabetic community since it manages to control blood sugar levels. This is a superior characteristic compared to wheat flour, which unbalances blood sugar more easily.

Rye is usually present in the diet through bread

Rye is mainly consumed as rye flour . It is the second most used cereal in the world for making bread after wheat . The bread is characterized by being a little darker than wheat bread. Its flavor can be a little more bitter , for this reason it is characterized as a seasoned bread, that is, it contains various spices such as cinnamon and cloves. In some cases, rye flour is combined with other flours to soften its flavor or to give sponginess to breads and cakes that it cannot give on its own. Rye flour is also used for cakes, cookies and biscuits.


In addition, there are rye flakes that are highly recommended for a healthy and nutrient-rich breakfast. Another typical way of consuming rye is in the production of alcoholic beverages such as vodka, brandy, beer and whiskey. Rye extract is also used for medicinal use; it is very typical to make natural laxatives with it.

At Casa Perris you can find rye in grain , rye in flour and rye flakes

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