
Benefits of a handful of almonds

Almonds are known as one of the most consumed nuts since their versatility and uses make them a stellar ingredient in the preparation of desserts and in meals such as breakfast. In addition, some products derived from it, such as almond oil and milk, have become essential in the diet and cosmetic industry.

Almonds come from the tree called almond whose scientific name is ''Prunus dulcis'' of which there are two types of varieties: hard-shelled and soft-shelled. The former are mainly grown in the United States and the latter are produced in Europe but especially in Spain where their attributes and benefits are used both for fresh consumption and mainly processed into nougat forms.


Benefits of consuming a handful of almonds daily

Rich in vitamins and minerals

A handful of almonds provides 37% of vitamin E, 32% of manganese and 20% of the magnesium needed daily. In addition, it also provides fiber, protein, vitamin B2 and phosphorus.

Provides good fats

A handful of almonds provides 14 gr. of good fats, these are: unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid and polyunsaturated acid, all essential for the body. These fats are considered good for reducing blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of suffering from a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

They provide energy

Almonds are an ideal food for consumption by people with a high energy demand. A handful of almonds provides approximately 161 calories. In this way, those who benefit the most from this feature are children and athletes who make the most of this property.

They stimulate the brain

Another benefit of consuming almonds is that it reduces the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's. Almonds activate the brain, it is recognized for being a food that increases intellectual capacity and longevity. It has been proven that people who incorporate a handful of almonds into their diet daily enjoy greater clarity in adulthood, which translates into greater enjoyment of life.

Control diabetes

In people who suffer from diseases such as diabetes, almonds become an essential food since they are responsible for reducing the glycemic index, especially after eating, so that they keep glucose under control, avoiding alterations in blood levels. .

At what time is it recommended to consume almonds?

Generally, it is recommended to consume almonds in the morning due to the large amount of energy it provides to our body to start the day well. In addition, it is an ideal food for people who are lactose intolerant, those who have a strict vegetarian diet and also people with celiac disease.